How we built - Part 5: the front-end

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TwitterMatic - Schedule your Twitter updates“After having found a god-like guardian for his application, Knight Maarten The Brave Coffeedrinker found out that his application still had no functional front-end. It’s OK to have a guardian and a barn in the cloud, but if there’s nothing to guard, this is a bit useless. Having asked the carpenter and the smith of the village, our knight decided that the so-called “ASP.NET MVC” framework might help in his quest.”

This post is part of a series on how we built Other parts:

kick it on

The front-end

In part 2 of this series, we have already created the basic ASP.NET MVC structure in the web role project. There are few action methods and views to create: we need one for displaying our scheduled tweets and one for scheduling a tweet. We’ll concentrate on the latter in this post.

Action methods

The Create action method will look like this:


// GET: /Tweet/Create

public ActionResult Create()
    TimedTweet tweet = new TimedTweet();

    ViewData["SendOnDate"] = tweet.SendOn.ToShortDateString();
    ViewData["SendOnTime"] = tweet.SendOn.ToShortTimeString();

    return View(tweet);

// POST: /Tweet/Create

public ActionResult Create(int UtcOffset, string SendOnDate, string SendOnTime, FormCollection collection)
    TimedTweet tweet = new TimedTweet(this.User.Identity.Name);
        tweet.SendOn = DateTime.Parse(SendOnDate + " " + SendOnTime).AddMinutes(UtcOffset);

        // Ensure we have a valid SendOn date
        if (!TimedTweetValidation.ValidateFutureDate(tweet.SendOn))
            ModelState.AddModelError("SendOn", "The scheduled time should be in the future.");

        if (this.TryUpdateModel(tweet, new string[] { "Status" }, collection.ToValueProvider()) && ModelState.IsValid)
            // ...
            Repository.Insert(this.User.Identity.Name, tweet);

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
            // ...
            return View(tweet);
        // ...
        return View(tweet);


As you can see, we’re doing the regular GET/POST differentiation here: GET to show the Create view, POST to actually do something with user-entered data. Nothing too fancy in the code, just passing some data to the repository we created in an earlier post.


The view for our Create action is slightly more work. I’ve noticed a cool date picker at, and a cool time picker at Why not use them both?

Here’s the plain, simple view, no jQuery used:


<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<TwitterMatic.Shared.Domain.TimedTweet>" %>

<asp:Content ID="title" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
    Schedule a tweet for <%=User.Identity.Name%>

<asp:Content ID="content" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <h3>Schedule a tweet for <%=User.Identity.Name%></h3>

    <% if (!ViewData.ModelState.IsValid) { %>
        <%= Html.ValidationSummary("Could not schedule tweet. Please correct the errors and try again.") %>
    <% } %>

    <% using (Html.BeginForm()) {>
        <%=Html.Hidden("UtcOffset", 0)%>

            <legend>Schedule a tweet</legend>
                <label for="Status">Message:</label>
                <%= Html.TextArea("Status") %>
                <%= Html.ValidationMessage("Status", "*") %>
                <span id="status-chars-left">140</span>
                <label for="SendOn">Send on:</label>
                <%= Html.TextBox("SendOnDate", ViewData["SendOnDate"]) %>
                <%= Html.TextBox("SendOnTime", ViewData["SendOnTime"]) %>
                <button type="submit" value="Schedule">
                    Schedule tweet!

    <% } %>

    <p style="clear: both;">
        <%= Html.ActionLink("Back to list of scheduled tweets", "Index", "Tweet", null, new { @class = "more" })%>
    <p style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</p>


Nothing fancy in there: just a boring data-entry form. Now let’s spice that one up: we’ll add the datepicker and timepicker:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $("#SendOnDate").datepicker({ minDate: 0, showAnim: 'slideDown', dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy' });
        $("#SendOnTime").timepickr({ convention: 12, rangeMin: ['00', '05', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55'] });


We’re telling jQuery to make a datepicker of the DOM element with id #SendOnDate, and to make a timepickr of the element #SendOnTime. Now let’s add some more useful things:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $("#Status").keyup(function() {

    var calcCharsLeft = function() {
        var charsLeft = (140 - $("#Status").val().length);

        if (charsLeft < 0) {
            $("#status-chars-left").css('color', 'red');
            $("#status-chars-left").css('font-weight', 'bold');
        } else {
            $("#status-chars-left").css('color', 'white');
            $("#status-chars-left").css('font-weight', 'normal');


jQuery will now do some more things when the page has loaded: we’re telling the browser to call calcCharsLeft every time a key is pressed in the message text area. This way, we can add a fancy character counter next to the text box, which receives different colors when certain amount of text is entered.

Validation: using DataAnnotations

In the action methods listed earlier in this post, you may have noticed that we are not doing a lot of validation checks. Except for the “Time in the future” check, we’re actually not doing any validation at all!

The reason for not having any validation calls in my controller’s action method, is that I’m using a different model binder than the default one: the ASP.NET MVC team’s DataAnnotationsModelBinder. This model binder makes use of the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace to perform validation at the moment of binding data to the model. This concept was used for ASP.NET Dynamic Data, recently picked up by the RIA services team and now also available for ASP.NET MVC.

Basically, what we have to do, is decorating our TimedTweet class’ properties with some DataAnnotations:


public class TimedTweet : TableStorageEntity, IComparable
    public string Token { get; set; }
    public string TokenSecret { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Twitter screen name is required.")]
    public string ScreenName { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Message is required.")]
    [StringLength(140, ErrorMessage = "Message length must not exceed 140 characters.")]
    public string Status { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "A scheduled time is required.")]
    [CustomValidation(typeof(TimedTweetValidation), "ValidateFutureDate", ErrorMessage = "The scheduled time should be in the future.")]
    public DateTime SendOn { get; set; }
    public DateTime SentOn { get; set; }
    public string SendStatus { get; set; }
    public int RetriesLeft { get; set; }

    public bool Archived { get; set; }

    // ...


See how easy this is? Add a [Required] attribute to make a property required. Add a [StringLength] attribute to make sure a certain length is not crossed, … The DataAnnotationsModelBinder will use these hints as a guide to perform validation on your model.


We now know how to work with ASP.NET MVC’s future DataAnnotations validation and have implemented this in TwitterMatic.

In the next part of this series, we’ll have a look at the worker role for TwitterMatic.

kick it on

This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated tool and may contain formatting errors and/or broken images.

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