Social meet up on Twitter for MEET Windows Azure on June 7th

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AzureBanner_300x250Here’s a perhaps rather redundant event for you but it should be kind of fun: MEET Windows Azure on Twitter (+ Beer). The idea is to list people who have a twitter account and intend to follow the MEET Windows Azure event via live streaming on June 7th (1pm PDT).

So see you online for the event on the 7th! My Twitter handle is @maartenballiauw

MEET Windows Azure Blog Relay:

+ Beer? Since you are watching the event from your coucnh (or the totilet, or your bed, or actually, from wherever you want), feel free to open up a beer.

Call to action: Link to this blog post on your blog and I will update this post to link to you!

This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated tool and may contain formatting errors and/or broken images.

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