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Using MvcSiteMapProvider throuh NuPack

Probably you have seen the buzz around NuPack, a package manager for .NET with thight integration in Visual Studio 2010. NuPack is a free, open source developer focused package management system for the .NET platform intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application dur... Read more »

Cost Architecting for Windows Azure

Just wanted to do a quick plug to an article I’ve written for TechNet Magazine: Windows Azure: Cost Architecting for Windows Azure. Designing applications and solutions for cloud computing and Windows Azure requires a completely different way of considering the operating costs. Cloud computing and platforms l... Read more »

PHP on Windows and on Azure slide deck

As promised during my session on PHP Summer Camp in Lisbon, Portugal, here's the slide deck. PHP on Windows and on Azure PHP on Windows and on Azure</embed>View more presentations from Maarten Balliauw. Thanks for joining! This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated to... Read more »

Remix 2010 slides and sample code

As promised during my session on Remix 10 yesterday in Belgium, here's the slide deck and sample code. Building for the cloud: integrating an application on Windows Azure Abstract: “It’s time to take advantage of the cloud! In this session Maarten builds further on the application created during Gill Cleeren’s... Read more »

Windows Azure Diagnostics in PHP

When working with PHP on Windows Azure, chances are you may want to have a look at what’s going on: log files, crash dumps, performance counters, … All this is valuable information when investigating application issues or doing performance tuning. Windows Azure is slightly different in diagnostics from ... Read more »

Introducing Windows Azure Companion – Cloud for the masses?

At OSIDays in India, the Interoperability team at Microsoft has made an interesting series of announcements related to PHP and Windows Azure.  To summarize: Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse for PHP has been updated and is on par with Visual Studio tooling (which means you can deploy a PHP app to Windows Azure wi... Read more »

Announcing the Windows Azure Online Conference

Steve Plank from Microsoft UK has just announced the UK Windows Azure Online Conference on his blog. This will be a whole day, online Windows Azure conference consisting of three different tracks: Cirrus – the high level stuff, Altocumulus – the mid level stuff (cast studies) and Stratocumulus – the low level stuff ... Read more »

BlogEngine.NET comment spam filtering

It’s been a month or three since I was utterly fed up with comment spam on my blog. Sure, I did turn on comment moderation so you, as a visitor, would not notice this spam if I did not approve it as a valid comment. However, I found myself cleaning up comment spam from in between legitimate comments in the BlogEngin... Read more »

Book review: Refactoring with Visual Studio 2010

Yet again, Packt Publishing has sent me a book for review. For once, one without the typical orange/black cover but instead a classy white/black cover: Refactoring with Visual Studio 2010 by Peter Ritchie. Since my book shelf is quite heavy on the Packt side (really, almost have their complete collection I guess, th... Read more »

Hybrid Azure applications using OData

In the whole Windows Azure story, Microsoft has always been telling you could build hybrid applications: an on-premise application with a service on Azure or a database on SQL Azure. But how to do it in the opposite direction? Easy answer there: use the (careful, long product name coming!) Windows Azure platform App... Read more »