Version 4 of the Windows Azure SDK for PHP released
Edit on GitHubOnly a few months after the Windows Azure SDK for PHP 3.0.0, Microsoft and RealDolmen are proud to present you the next version of the most complete SDK for Windows Azure out there (yes, that is a rant against the .NET SDK!): Windows Azure SDK for PHP. We’ve been working very hard with an expanding globally distributed team on getting this version out.
The Windows Azure SDK 4 contains some significant feature enhancements. For example, it now incorporates a PHP library for accessing Windows Azure storage, a logging component, a session sharing component and clients for both the Windows Azure and SQL Azure Management API’s. On top of that, all of these API’s are now also available from the command-line both under Windows and Linux. This means you can batch-script a complete datacenter setup including servers, storage, SQL Azure, firewalls, … If that’s not cool, move to the North Pole.
Here’s the official change log:
- New feature: Service Management API support for SQL Azure
- New feature: Service Management API's exposed as command-line tools
- New feature: MicrosoftWindowsAzureRoleEnvironment for retrieving environment details
- New feature: Package scaffolders
- Integration of the Windows Azure command-line packaging tool
- Expansion of the autoloader class increasing performance
- Several minor bugfixes and performance tweaks
Some interesting links on some of the new features:
- Setup the Windows Azure SDK for PHP
- Packaging applications
- Using scaffolds
- A hidden gem in the Windows Azure SDK for PHP: command line parsing
- Scaffolding and packaging a Windows Azure project in PHP
Also keep an eye on where I’ll be posting an article on scripting a complete application deployment to Windows Azure, including SQL Azure, storage and firewalls.
And finally: keep an eye on and I have a feeling some cool stuff may be coming following this release...
This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated tool and may contain formatting errors and/or broken images.
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