Writing for the Windows Azure for PHP portal

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I actually just noticed it has been a while since I did a blog post. I also know that writing about this is not really a good idea in the blogosphere. Unless… it’s for a good reason!

The good reason for not being that active on my blog lately is the fact that I’m producing content for Microsoft’s Interoperability team. Have you ever wanted to start working with Windows Azure and PHP? No idea where to start? Meet the official portal: Developing Applications for Azure with PHP.

I’ve currently posted some tutorials and scenarios out there, but there’s more to come. Here’s a list of what’s currently available:

So whenever you think I’m relaxing and doing nothing, check http://azurephp.interoperabilitybridges.com for new content. By the way, if you are doing PHP and Azure, drop me a line. It’s always good to know and maybe I can be of help.

Stay tuned for more on this!

This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated tool and may contain formatting errors and/or broken images.

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One response

  1. Avatar for batman
    batman November 26th, 2010

    Have you tried to run php script as worker role? I'm getting silly error saying something like "could not start php". I'm running my application in development fabric.