Upcoming sessions on Azure, PHP and ASP.NET

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It’s going to be a filled end of 2009… There’s Microsoft PDC which I will be attending and will probably cause me some sleepless nights (both due to jetlag and due to all the new stuff that will be released). Next to that, I’ll also be doing some sessions in the next few weeks. Here’s a list…



28 october 2009

PHPBenelux Meeting: PHP and Microsoft technologies

I’ll be doing two sessions here:

· PHP and Silverlight, together with Kevin Dockx
“This session covers the basics of Microsoft Silverlight and demonstrates how PHP developers can benefit from developing rich client-side components that run in the web browser using Silverlight and PHP.”

· Make Web not War, together with Katrien De Graeve
“Microsoft will present the array of initiatives in the company to better support and integrate with PHP and give you an introduction on Windows Azure and its support for PHP in the cloud.”

More info? www.phpbenelux.eu

4 november 2009

First Azure User Group Belgium (AZUG.be) meeting

I’ll be doing an introductory session to Microsoft’s Azure platform. Yves Goeleven and Kurt Claeys will be showing off .NET services and provide more info on the AZUG.be. All of this followed by an open discussion.

Register now on www.azug.be!

24 november 2009

MSDN Live Meeting (Dutch)

Een ASP.NET-applicatie overbrengen naar Windows Azure
“Zet alles over naar the cloud! Met Windows Azure kunt u voordeel halen uit de cloud computing-infrastructuur voor hosting, computing en storage van uw applicaties. De sessie bevat talrijke demo’s, we brengen een bestaande ASP.Net-applicatie over naar hosting in Windows Azure en maken gebruik van Windows Azure storage”

More info on the MSDN pages!

Looking forward to see you at one of these events!

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2 responses

  1. Avatar for Dieter Depuydt
    Dieter Depuydt November 2nd, 2009

    Hi Maarten,

    can you tell me something more about Azure pricing? How about the computing time thing? Is that every single second my projects are online or just the seconds my projects require CPU? Suppose I have a website online for a full month but is never visited. Will I be charged a lot?

  2. Avatar for maartenba
    maartenba November 2nd, 2009

    Hello Dieter,

    Expect all of this to become clear around PDC timeframe. I know there will be a period where bills will all be $ 0 and give you info what the real bill would have been to get a better idea of the pricing.

    Make sure to register for www.azug.be this wednesday, chances are we have someone from Microsoft to give morei nfo on pricing.
