Let me Bing that for you

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Have you ever been bugged with stupid questions? Do you get tired of people asking stuff that is only one search engine query away? Chances are you answered both of these questions with “yes!”. Together with Phil Haack and Juliën Hanssens, I created LetMeBingThatForYou.com, a website that generates a search engine query for people who ask you questions they could easily answer by themselves.

Yes, the idea is a copy of LetMeGoogleThatForYou.com. However, we thought Bing deserved something similar. We even got Bing’s picture of the day working. How cool is that?

Find Chuck Norris

One last note: this project is not associated with Microsoft nor Bing. We’re doing this project for fun.

kick it on DotNetKicks.com

This is an imported post. It was imported from my old blog using an automated tool and may contain formatting errors and/or broken images.

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2 responses

  1. Avatar for Kris van der Mast
    Kris van der Mast October 19th, 2009

    Nice one!

    Are you going to share the source code somewhere on codeplex?

    Grz, Kris.

  2. Avatar for maartenba
    maartenba October 19th, 2009

    Yup. Keep an eye on Phil Haack's blog.