Introduction to ASP.NET MVC for VISUG - Presentation materials
Edit on GitHub Yesterday evening, I did a presentation on the ASP.NET MVC framework for VISUG (Visual Studio User Group Belgium). I really hope everyone got a good feel on what the ASP.NET MVC framework is all about and what it takes to build an ASP.NET MVC application. Thank you Pieter Gheysens for inviting me for this talk! And thank you audience for being interested for over an hour and a half!
A recorded version of this presentation will be available later, for the moment you'll have to do with the presentation materials. The download contains the slides, the Hello World application and the testing demo. The CarTrackr application can be found on CodePlex.
Presentation materials: VISUG ASP.NET MVC (5.63 mb)
CarTrackr sample application:
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